Monday, September 25, 2017

Free Webinars at FamilySearch

I missed today''s webinar, but coming up is another good one (

11 a.m. MST
12 p.m. CDT
Thursday 28 September!

Website: and Your Family Tree

 How to Start Your Family Tree


  •  Remember, Family Tree at FamilySearch is not meant to be a private tree for your dead relatives! 
  • However, if you want an online tree that is subject to being edited or added to by strangers, then you'll want to stay tuned to this channel!
    Why would anyone choose the 2nd Option?!  Well, folks who use FamilySearch Family Tree want to see their tree grow.  They want to connect with cousins.  They want collaboration (if it has been documented)!  If anyone changes the information and it is incorrect, you can change it back with little or no trouble.
  • FamilySearch Family Tree will interact with RootsMagic (your static, private version of your family tree) so that you can upload your info to Family Tree instead of entering each name separately.
    •  If you don't use RootsMagic, perhaps you will change your mind when you find out that your family tree at can be imported to RootsMagic and then be uploaded/integrated with FamilySearch!
    • Or not. If your previous software is compatible, then you can load it onto FamilySearch Family Tree, also.
  • Here's one of several video presentations at YouTube that you might want to watch, so that when I do a demonstration in a couple of weeks, you will be ahead of the game:
  • Also, explore the good things people have to say about Family Tree at FamilySearch: (in the search box, enter "FamilySearch Family Tree").

Indian River Genealogical Society

Legacy Family Tree and FamilySearch Family Tree

And Best of All (my opinion):  Ancestoring Blog/Site

My Challenge to You  

1.  Obtain a sign-in/account at Family Tree (FREE_)

2.  Choose a few of your dead ancestors (Start with your grand or great grand parents).  Enter them into the Family Tree and see what happens.  You can print out the results in pedigree form, if you like.

3.  Let me know your comments, questions, and so forth. (

When I was Young! Tennis Interview

  I may have been a little bit precocious at the age of 15 or 16.  But I didn't let that stop me!   While Northwest Florida might have b...