Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Family History is so much more than genealogical research

Family History is an umbrella. 
Many types of information fall under that umbrella.  

Researching the genealogy (names, dates, and places) is certainly the foundation of our research.  However, stories, photographs, relics, and family traditions also increase our knowledge.  

We each have a unique view of our own personal history and of our family history.  This is the reason that my brother might remember a particular story differently than my sister and I remember it.  

When a detective looks for an eye witness, does he just look for one person's account or is he interested in what several witnesses might have seen?  The more information that can be gathered, the better the anaysis will be.  The more light you put on the subject, the more that details will show up.

We have to share our stories and compare our accounts with others' accounts.  A beautiful flower is seen in a photo.  Who is holding the flower?  What was the occasion?  The more we look and listen and ask questions--these are the things that sometimes reveal a slice of history in its clearest light.  Here are some links that will further this theme more deeply.


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